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ePadho Success Story

18 Oct 2021 administrator Admin 0 General

Do you wish to study or settle abroad? If yes, IELTS is an essential criterion, and you will need a good IELTS band score in it. The international test is specially curated for those individuals who are not native English speakers.

It is designed in a way to check the English language proficiency of these candidates with precision. We all know that many aspirants appear for IELTS every year. Sure, they are all able to clear it. However, not all of them are able to get their desired IELTS band score on the first attempt.

Believe it or not, doing so is challenging, and you will need to rely on professional help for it. epadho is one such platform that helped many students with it through their best IELTS online preparation courses.

Today, we are here with an epadho IELTS success story to help you believe the same. Keep scrolling to read it.

Introducing epadho

Before we move on to the IELTS success story of the day to prove why you need to choose epadho IELTS for success in the exam, let us introduce the platform to you. For those who are not aware, epadho is an IELTS preparation portal that is designed to help aspirants prepare for the IELTS exam online.

The platform was formulated keeping the dilemmas of working professionals, homemakers, business owners, and students in mind. Understanding that they cannot take out time from their busy schedules, the website ensures that the aspirants get success with IELTS from the comfort of their space and time. 

The platform has combined the top-notch teaching skills of their teachers with the advancements in technology to deliver IELTS training that is result-oriented. With it, the IELTS test takers can achieve a band score that can help them fulfill their overseas dream easily. From the IELTS video call speaking test to IELTS for UKVI, the platform is perfect for all.

Let us now take a look at an epadho success story that will motivate you to do your best and choose the platform to fulfill your goals. Have a look:

epadho Success Story – How Shreya Got an Overall 7.5 in 6 Weeks!

IELTS Band 7+ is a score many aspirants dream about and even work very hard for. Shreya was able to achieve this score in 6 weeks with epadho and reached out to our team to express her joy for the same.

“I am so glad to inform you that I took my IELTS exam and cleared it with a good band score. My overall score is 7.5 with individual scores as L-7.5, R-8, W-7.5, and S-7,” she stated in the mail to us, making our entire team happy.

She further thanked the team for their support and guidance for her IELTS Preparation from home. Due to some reason, she was unable to go for offline coaching, and epadho helped her achieve her goals. She was so delighted with the result that she even mentioned recommending the platform to her friends.

Our team was too curious about her achievement to leave it to that. Therefore, they decided to reach out to her and interview her about how she was able to do so. After all, test-takers like her can make a huge difference to other test takers. Shreya gladly accepted our request and told us all about how she was able to get an overall 7.5 IELTS band score in the first attempt.

Below, we have published her Interview as the IELTS success story that can inspire various other IELTS aspirants who are preparing for the IELTS exam from home. Keep reading!

epadho Representative: How did you hear about our website epadho.com?

Shreya: I came across a post on Facebook that led me to your website. Since the signup and the assessment test were free, I took them instantly.

epadho Representative: Did you try other websites before deciding to go with our course?

Shreya: Yes, I did try a few other websites, but their demo package was not impressive enough. I also referred to various YouTube channels.

epadho Representative: Was this your first time taking the IELTS test?

Shreya: Yes, and I cleared it in the first attempt.

epadho Representative: How long did you prepare for IELTS?

Shreya: 6 weeks. I opted for the 6-week IELTS (Academic) Basic Package.

epadho Representative: Did you have a study plan?

Shreya: Yes, I formulated a study plan on the basis of my schedule. Since the course was accessible 24/7, I could prepare during odd hours too.

epadho Representative: Your Writing score is great. How did you achieve that?

Shreya: The preparation of the writing module with the website is amazing. I was taking up pen and paper IELTS, and there was an option to attempt the practice tests on a piece of paper and upload the picture. It helped me with time management, and the teachers also gave tips for improvement with the correction. Apart from it, the only thing that helped me get 7.5 in the module was a lot of practice.

epadho Representative: Did you have any weaknesses when it comes to any module. How did you overcome that?

Shreya: Speaking was my weakness. But thanks to the one-on-one speaking sessions here, I was able to practice well and got 7 in the module. Another thing that helped me with it was the advice of the teacher. She asked me to record myself, listen to it, and look for areas of improvement. I also purposefully communicated with everyone in English and even listened and watched English media.

epadho Representative: Thank you for agreeing to Interview with us, Shreya. Do you have any last tips for those preparing for IELTS at home?

Shreya: Thank you for considering me worthy of the Interview. All I can advise other test-takers is to put in all their effort. You do not need to study 24/7. Even a few hours of productive study sessions guided by the right person can get you your desired IELTS band score.

We hope this epadho success story will inspire you to work for your desired IELTS band score. For additional help with your preparation, you can sign up with us now! Here is how online IELTS training works with epadho:

Related Posts:-

1.  How to Take IELTS Test?

2.  Preparing for IELTS At Home

3. Does the Website Have Any YouTube Channel to Understand IELTS Better?

4. How to Prepare for IELTS from your Laptop?

5. IELTS Preparation Online – How to Choose the Best Package?



