Five Golden Rules for IELTS
IELTS is a highly popular test. The popularity has grown over the years for it to become the most in-demand test score in the requirement to prove someone's proficiency in English language skills. Proving one's skills in English is crucial for anyone who dreams of going abroad for a simple reason. Most countries, institutes, and job positions require practical skills in English as part of daily proceedings.
IN 2017, more than 3 million IELTS tests were taken in more than 140 countries. The number was a significant increase from 2 million in 2012. Scroll down to know the rules for IELTS preparation.
Five Rules for Preparing for IELTS
Having adequate levels in English is crucial for success in IELTS, and hence your every effort should be towards enhancing your English language. Plus, IELTS is the only English language skills test approved by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI).
It could be for visa customers applying outside the UK. It could be used inside the UK.
Therefore, it is highly essential to get the desired band score in the IELTS exam.
To that effect, we try to collect the 5 basic rules for IELTS that help you to achieve that objective here:-
1. Understanding the test rules and format
It's essential to get familiar with the test format and structure.
Few crucial things to keep in mind:-
a. Two versions of the IELTS test are available, i.e., IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training.
b. Listening and speaking modules are different, but the reading and writing modules got designed differently.
c. The four modules get divided like :
- Listening
- 40 minutes
- 30 minutes to listen and 10 minutes to transfer the answers onto the answer sheets
- 40 questions and 4 sections
- Reading
- 1 hour
- 40 questions
- 3 passages for Academic Training
- 5 readings for General Training
- Writing
- 1 hour
- 2 Tasks
- Academic Training has a Graph/Diagram/Map and an Essay
- General Training has a Letter and an Essay
- Speaking
- 11 - 14 minutes
- Section 1 is introductions and General questions regarding your life
- Section 2 is a cue-card based question
- You are asked a question about something mentioned in Section 1
- You have 1 minute to prepare, and you can write quick points on cue-cards
- You have 2 minutes to speak, and you can use cue-cards to help you speak
- Section 3 is cross-questioning and follow up questions on Section 1 and 2
2. Practice makes one perfect
Practicing English effectively and daily is a great way to push up your English. Experts opine that there is no way or formula to success other than just practicing.
This way, you can devise your method to approach and solve questions other than relying on guesswork or copying someone blindly. Success will not be overnight, and you will have to continuously devote time depending on your current levels of the English language.
3. Tools to practice English
One way to push up the levels of your English language skills is by practicing some tools suggested by experts. These experts have carefully evaluated the IELTS paper to come up with these suggestions.
These tools are:-
- Reading habits
Neuroscientists have concluded that reading habits can improve brain function on multiple levels. The same can be said for IELTS preparation. Below mentioned example of a Quora user proves that.
Some popular websites for that are
- The Economist
The headlines and content mentioned in these sites are often similar to the topics and questions seen in an IELTS test.
- TED Talks
Ted Talks is a highly popular platform featuring lectures from personalities from different aspects of life and work, cultures, and countries.
You will get to listen to different personalities and different accents. That is highly useful to be completely ready for IELTS.
4. Test papers
In the run-up to the day of the IELTS exam, it is essential to practice sample test papers. Online IELTS preparation platforms are a great way to get practice tests without wasting precious time and money to get them.
The feedback will help you stay updated with your progress. You can make the necessary adjustments to your IELTS preparation based on your progress.
eBritish IELTS is an excellent online IELTS platform to prepare. The platform comes with a free demo test to help you choose the right package for you with feedback on the test. There are three attractively priced packages, and the four modules can be purchased separately, too, for additional practice.
5. Manage the challenges
IELTS is a test of your English language skills, and hence understanding the challenges of every module is paramount to getting the desired band score.
- IELTS Reading module
There are 3 paragraphs for Academic Training and 5 sections for General Training, and each of these paragraphs has around 3 to 4 thousand words. Keep in mind that you have 60 minutes to read and answer the questions.
Two basic rules are suggested here:-
- Skimming
- Scanning
There are two basic rules for speed reading. Because of the limitations of eye movements, most tend to read around 200 to 400 words per minute.
Speed readers claim to reach 1000 to 1700 words per minute. You won't get the meaning, but it will be helpful to get a general idea of the text and thus quickly and better answer the questions.
Using Skimming, readers can know which part to skip and choose what to focus on in reading. Heading and questions will help you with that.
Scanning is the technique of looking for particular words and phrases. You can quickly and efficiently answer filling the blanks and multiple-choice questions with this technique.
- IELTS Listening module
Try to listen to different accents and types of English possible. Put a particular focus on English accents outside your country. It will help you in your attempts to enhance your English.
The major challenge here is:-
- Following different and difficult accents
- The speed and pattern of various speeches and lectures
Analysts have seen three primary English accents in the IELTS listening test:-
- North American
- British
- Australian
Some effective ways to familiarize with these accents would be:-
- Watching English movies from all three countries.
- Watching BBC drama shows, news, and documentaries.
- Australian tv shows, news, videos online, or YouTube from Australia and documentaries.
In the beginning, you will miss some words. But as you keep listening and become more familiar, you get better in understanding everything. Watching the content with subtitles is a great way to catch up on missed words.
- IELTS Speaking module
Verbal interactions are considered the driving force of humanity. Plus, speaking skills are the most necessary to communicate daily in your dream country.
It may seem intimidating, but there are specific rules that your speech should contain to leave a positive impression on your IELTS examiner.
Following these rules will push up your band score in the IELTS test. These rules are:-
- Fluency and coherence
- Lexical resource
- Grammatical range and accuracy
- Pronunciation
- IELTS Writing module
Task 1 asks you to write 150 words in 20 minutes, and Task 2 requires you to write 250 words in 30 minutes.
IELTS academic task 1 has charts, figures, and tables to present the present visual information with facts, changes, and comparisons to make your answer well structured. These aspects will make it an informative read and help you create a useful solution proving your English language skills.
Some key points should be clear:-
- Purpose of a given table, charts, or diagram.
- Determine the crucial information.
- Describe the highest and lowest values of the data set.
- Comparison between different data sources.
- Using the right adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions for proper presentation.
IELTS general task 1 is a test of your ability to communicate on everyday practical issues. Just like the IELTS academic task 1, you have 20 minutes to respond.
The difference here is you write a letter to a person, company, or institution. There will be a prompt to answer.
The letter could be:-
- Formal
- Semi-formal
- Informal
To get a good band score, you must:-
- Correct spellings and grammar.
- Use phrases and expressions.
- Clear handwriting
- Divide the letter into 4 paragraphs
- Introduction
- Problem or the situation
- The solution or the action recommended
- Conclusion
- Include three points
- Explanation of the problem
- Describe the gravity of the problem
- Possible solution
IELTS writing task 2 is writing a formal essay. It occupies 66% of the writing task. The common types of test questions are:-
- Opinion
- Discussion
- Advantage or Disadvantage
- Direct Questions
- Solutions
The job is marked mainly on:
- Quality of response
- Coherence and cohesion of the essay
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
IELTS test is a crucial test to be passed, but it is equally important not to be overwhelmed by it. What matters is the quality of your preparation.
If you have practiced the 5 tips mentioned above well, then you don't have to worry much. Getting a little tense up is understandable, but it shouldn't get the better of you. Join eBritish IELTS today and get trained with the best trainers in the business to get your dream band score.
IELTS is a highly popular test. The popularity has grown over the years for it to become the most in-demand test score in the requirement to prove someone's proficiency in English language skills. Proving one's skills in English is crucial for anyone who dreams of going abroad for a simple reason. Most countries, institutes, and job positions require practical skills in English as part of daily proceedings.
IN 2017, more than 3 million IELTS tests were taken in more than 140 countries. The number was a significant increase from 2 million in 2012.
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