How to improve your IELTS score with e-British IELTS?
This title is a general question by the multitudes of students giving the IELTS exam around the world but failing to score the desired band. Many students are stuck giving the exam multiple times only to get average bands like 4.5 to 5.5.
There is a large section of the IELTS giving population who feel immense pressure to improve their score but can’t for a few reasons. A few common points run through all these students. It could be as simple as being alien to the language.
Professional help could be the solution to improve your IELTS score that can help you break the barrier of average scoring. There are various professional institutes located in multiple cities to help troubled students.
They help guide you with various keys and tricks depending on your current skills. But not everyone has the time to make the provision in their life to go to such a training institute. Everyone has their reasons.
It could be professional commitments or distance from such a center. Going to an institute could mean all the trouble of moving to a new place. Hence training platforms present online can present an excellent alternative.
Section-wise improvements
There are four sections in IELTS, and you need to work on all four parts to improve your score. Since not everyone can go to a training institute, an IELTS online training course can do the necessary. It is much convenient for all professionals and housewives.
eBritish IELTS is one of the premier institutes specializing in online training. It has been designed keeping students in mind who cannot afford to make it to an IELTS institute. An expert list of professionals is always available to help students.
Let’s do a section-wise analysis of how eBritish IELTS will help you break the chain of average scores:-
1. Listening
It is one of the courses that many students find tough to get a higher IELTS band score. As the invigilator asks questions and you need to answer them quickly. For students, who’s exposure to the English language is very low or have no exposure, that can be a challenge.
You will be made to listen to a monologue or conversation. There are four sections, General conversation, General talk, Academic conversation, and Academic lecture. Our panel of experts will make sure you get trained in every section.
Time is of the essence as ten questions each of every section, and the 40 questions will have to answer in 10 minutes on a piece of paper. Any confusion on this can be solved with personal Skype sessions.
2. Reading
Reading can be frustrated when you are unable to understand the meaning of a sentence or a paragraph. But you can forget the worry about knowing the meaning of so many words and get burdened, especially if you are short on time.
eBritish IELTS understands these difficulties of skill level for the English language and helps to improve your English skills online. It is possible to score a good band without remembering all the meanings. Our trainers will show you some neat tips and tricks to improve your IELTS score.
The IELTS study material provided will show you how to understand the broad meaning and answer the questions quickly. The content is designed, keeping your skill level in mind.
3. Writing
Writing is the third section in the test and poses its own set of challenges. This section consists of two writing tasks. The first task requires the student to describe some date or a diagram in 150 words. It is a general recommendation to spend around 20 minutes here.
The highly qualified trainers will give you points on how to identify the main features and make relevant comparisons. You will learn how to spend the recommended 20 minutes and divide it into two parts.
The second task is writing about a particular issue. It could be just a description, or you could be instructed to talk about one side or both sides of the opinion. It is recommended to use around 40 minutes on this task. You will get tips on the overall construction of this essay.
4. Speaking
Speaking section becomes one of the biggest challenges, especially for a big part of the test takers for whom English is a language they very rarely speak. But the thing to remember here is that the invigilators know this.
They don’t want difficult words or complicated sentences from students. There are few tips you need to keep in mind, and the sessions with our trainers, plus reports on all the tests will acquaint you with such simple ways to ace this section.
There are three one-to-one parts of this section. The first part is the Interview. In this part, the examiner will have questions about everyday life. You will be given written instruction, and you will have a minute to prepare for a question about special events or goals of your life.
The third part is a discussion on a question from part two, and you get no time to prepare. It aims to get a comprehensive viewpoint from you, like positives, negatives, and gray areas of discussion.
An average score becomes an eyesore for every IELTS aspirant. In your need for time, eBritish IELTS will provide you the quick and efficient training for IELTS exam preparations. With its affordable and straightforward course price plans and the highly trained staff, it will guide you towards the band you need. The personal attention you will get is rarely seen in the industry.
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