Know Some Secrets to Clear IELTS From eBritishielts Rank Holders
Irrespective of whether one needs to go abroad for higher studies or for work, they need to be proficient in the English language. The best way to prove it is by taking the IELTS test. After all, all universities and corporations worldwide accept this test. Understanding the importance of IELTS for international aspirants, eBritishielts offers world-class IELTS coaching online.
You can find a lot of information online about how this best IELTS online preparation portal operates. Today, instead of sharing the same, we are here to bring you the experiences of other eBritishielts students who are now successfully settled in their desired fields. By the end of this post, you will have some tried and tested tips by them that are sure to come in handy during your exam.
Let the scrolling begin.
eBritishielts – The Best IELTS Online Preparation Portal
Before we share some of the best IELTS preparation tips by our rank holders, let us tell you a little about this best IELTS preparation website.
For those who are not aware, eBritishielts is the perfect destination for those who wish to settle, study, or work abroad. This website provides quality IELTS training that is particularly designed to cater to the needs of those who cannot opt for regular IELTS coaching classes. So, if you are a working professional, homemaker, or a student with little time in hand for IELTS preparation, eBritishielts is for you.
When you enroll with this IELTS preparation portal, you can prepare for IELTS through the power of the internet. This combines with the teaching skills of the experts at eBritishielts makes the perfect recipe for getting a 7+ IELTS band score. To start with, you also get to take a free level assessment test that helps you determine your initial level in the English language.
Here is how online IELTS preparation with eBritishielts works:
IELTS Preparation Tips From eBritishielts Rank Holders
Now, let us move on to the secrets to clear IELTS from eBritishielts rank holders. Below, you can find module-wise tips for the same.
IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks From eBritishielts Rank Holders
For the IELTS writing tips and tricks, eBritishielts rank holders have this to say:
They advise that one must never spend more than 20 minutes on task 1. Thus, it is crucial to keep a track of time.
Similarly, for task 2, you will need no more than 40 minutes.
Then, the word limit for both the tasks is also important. For task 1, you need to write over 150 words and for the second task, over 250 words.
They also suggest that while word limit is crucial, do not waste time counting the number of words. Instead, count the lines for an estimate of your word count.
Further, since no extra paper is given for planning, it is okay to plan your essay on the question paper.
Once you start writing your answers, make sure to have a clear overview for task 1 academic. Also, for GT task 1, it is important to cover all points in the letter that are requested.
Once you have everything in place for both the tasks, make sure to come up with a compelling conclusion.
Also, pay special attention to your spelling. Any mistake in these can result in a lower IELTS band score.
Lastly, make sure that everything you write for both the tasks should be focused and relevant.
IELTS Reading Tips and Tricks From eBritishielts Rank Holders
Here is what our rank holders have to say for performing well in the IELTS reading test:
Firstly, you must always read all the instructions carefully. While doing so, make a note of the number of words you can use for the answers.
If you cannot find an answer, do not waste your time. Instead, move on to the next one, and come back to that question later.
Always keep an eye on the time. Just like all other IELTS modules, time management is crucial for this one too.
You should always write answers directly on the answer sheet as you will get no extra time for transferring them later.
Look for the keywords in the passage. After all, you only have to find answers and not understand the entire passage.
Lastly, it would be best if you write all your answers in capital letters only.
IELTS Listening Tips and Tricks From eBritishielts Rank Holders
For the IELTS listening test, here is what our rank holders suggest:
Firstly, always check if your headphones are working properly. If not, raise your hand and get this problem solved.
In case there is no use of the headphones, ensure that the volume of the recording is understandable for you.
Then, before the recording starts, make use of the extra time given by going through all questions. It will give you an idea about what answers you need to look for.
Here again, you do not have to understand everything. Instead, try focusing on the recording to listen to the answers to your questions only.
Further, here too you need to keep a note of how many words you can use for each answer.
When you transfer the answers to your sheet in the last 10 minutes, check your spelling and grammar.
Lastly, make sure to write all your answers in capital letters only.
IELTS Speaking Tips and Tricks From eBritishielts Rank Holders
Here are the IELTS speaking test tips that our rank holders swear by:
For the speaking test, practice is the key. Make sure to practice speaking English before your test starts. You must know how to express your opinions.
During the test, always be confident. Take the test as an open and friendly chat and not a formal interview.
Always pay attention to the question asked. Try to answer it directly without beating around the bush.
Then, do not stop in between. You need to keep talking until the examiner stops you, especially for the later parts of the test.
While vocabulary is 25% of your marks here, do not completely focus on it. It is best to use simple words rather than using complicated words in the wrong context.
Further, while you talk, make sure that your tenses and grammar are correct.
Since this is not a job interview, you can wear anything. Your clothing will not determine your marks.
Never try to copy any accent. You only need to make sure that the examiner understands your words.
Lastly, during the span of your IELTS speaking test, it is best if you can maintain eye contact with the examiner.
Final Thoughts
So, these are some secrets to clear IELTS from eBritishielts rank holders that you can make use of during your test. Apart from these, make sure that you have all the required things on your exam day. Also, since there is no clock in the room, you must carry your own watch to keep a track of the time. Lastly, for any of the modules, always be focused and calm and you are sure to perform well. For more tips and tricks to clear the IELTS exam, sign up with eBritishielts for free now!
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